
Mass Guild of the Missionary Sisters of the Holy Ghost



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  • By enrolling in the Mass Guild you will have Mass offered for you and your intentions on the third Sunday of each month, which is called Mission Sunday. The stipend for the annual enrollment is $12.00 for each person or intention to be remembered.
  • Once you have enrolled, a membership card will be sent to you. It can serve as a reminder of the monthly Mass being offered for your intentions and as an invitation to you to combine your prayers with Holy Mass for your intention.



You can download this form here.download_button



Or simply print out this form and send it with your offering to:

Missionaries of the Holy Ghost

P.O. Box 589

Veradale, WA 99037



Mass Guild Request Form:

Fill in the following information and mail it to the address above. Be sure to include your stipend of $12.00 for each name or intention to be remembered. Your enrollment is for 12 months.

Your Name: _____________________________________________________


Intention: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Address: ______________________________________________

